
Is FDI Good for Indian Economy?

we should have accepted FDI earlier. China is involved in FDI since 1992. I would say that like two sides of a coin, FDI in the retail sector will also have its pros and cons. Like, if we consider its main advantages, we can say that it will bring modern technology, improve rural infrastructure, create a competitive market, enable our farmers to get better prices for their crops, Government will get an additional US$ 25-30 billion by way of taxes, a solution for food inflation as investments in cold storage chain infrastructure would reduce loss of agricultural products and provide more options to farmers. And some disadvantages could be that we will be competing with such economies whose interest rates are as low a 4% as compared to our 14% to 16%. Also, we engage millions of uneducated and semi-educated people at various stages of retail business but Tesco and Wal-Mart will only engage the smart and educated workforce in small strength, comparatively. Finally, we can say that if...

Why An Internship Is Important For Your Future Career.

In today's competitive world its very important to be the best among the rest of others, and you be the best when you have extra knowledge and experience which can be gain by doing an internship. It gives you extra exposer to your career. While you are in internship you get better practical knowledge of what you had studied and proved a platform to showcase your hidden talent of doing a job, as you get real-life situations and problems. Under an internship, you get to know more about yourself your capabilities, weakness, creativity, etc. Working in an organization helps you to develop professional relationships which can help you to make connections. It adds to your C.V. also as every organization wants its employees to be well experienced. If you can showcase yourself according to the requirement of the company who knows you can get a full-time call from them.      Source:

Traveling as a part of the work.....

Traveling is the most important aspect of work-life, you need to travel a lot when either you are in the corporate world or you run your very own business. Going places to places gives you a lot of exposers and experiences to oneself. It's essential to travel if you are thinking to expand your business, as one has to attain clients, dealers, manufacturers, etc. For some traveling is a hobby but for some, it's a painful task. Sometimes it helps in discovering ownself as it gives a lot of time think about.  Source:-

Delegation of Authority - Meaning, Importance and its Principles

Today we are going to discuss the Delegation of Authority , so delegation of authority means the division of authority and power to subordinates downward. It's very common in an organization where a superior delegate his work to his subordinates so, he can focus on more crucial work. Along with the authority, power should also be delegated. What happens with this the subordinates come to know about the work performed by the top-level managers and they learn from them how to perform it. It increases there efficiency and motivates them. The delegation of authority goes downwards from top to bottom.  Elements of Delegation: 1. Authority. 2. Responsibility. 3. Accountability.   These are the element or you can say the process of delegation where the manager gives Responsibility with Authority matching to it and make his subordinate Accountable for non-completion of the task. According to me, managers need to delegate his work to his subordinate as they...

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation

Abraham Maslow’s motivation theory is based on human needs. These needs are classified into a sequential hierarchy from the lower to higher-order as five need clusters as shown in the following Figure: 1.  Physiological Needs: These needs are of the lowest-order and most basic needs of human beings. These involve satisfying fundamental biological drives, such as the need for food, air, water, cloth, and shelter generally expressed in the names of Roti, Kapada Aur Makan. An entrepreneur also being a human being has to meet his physiological needs for survival.  2.  Safety and Security Needs: The second level of need in Maslow’s hierarchy has emerged once physiological needs are satisfied. Safety needs involve the need for a secure environment, free from threats of physical and psychological harm. These needs find expression in such desires as economic security and protection from physical dangers. 3.  Social Needs: Man is a social animal. Th...

Informal Communication: Meaning, Purpose and Importance

Informal Communication Hey guys, today we are going to discuss the type of communication that is used in an organization which is Informal Communication . As we know about formal communication and its importance but we miss out informal communication which also plays an important role in an organization to communicate with each other. This communication deals with understanding, emotion, and social bond. It is direct, spontaneous, flexible. It does not follow any path as it is like a grapevine it spread fast in any direction. It is personal, unofficial, and mostly verbal. This type of communication helps in creating a healthy environment to work in. Informal Communication is conveyed through verbal and gestural means in all directions with the help of the following media: 1. Personal conversation and gossip. 2. Unofficial discussion. 3. Facial expression. 4. Body movement. 5. silence. Informal communication is of a different kind such as follow: 1. Single strand chain. ...

Unjust punishment in organizations

Unjust punishment in organizations Hey guys, today we are going to discuss a serious issue which is faced by many organization which is Unjust Punishment . when a superior uses his authority unwisely to his subordinates just too show off his power and command over his employee, unjust punishment arises. when a leader unnecessarily starts punishing his team for no reason this leads to misconduct in the workplace and it also demotivates the employees. In the future, this can leads to a lack of coordination among the leader and his team and creates a self-perpetuating feedback loop. To create harmony in the workplace it is very important to treat employees in fair means when there is a need then only punishment should be given. Article address :